Danny Sergiu (Collision) vs. Jake Purdy (FSC) - Co-main event - Fighting for the CHANG CUP
Kieran Hardy (Collision) vs. Jake Lowry (WAKT)
Corey Paterson (Collision) vs. David Kotik (FSC)
3rd edition of COLLISION FIGHT DAY - Interclub
The event will be held at Harridges Gym in Warminster, on September 21st 2013.
We are currently matching fights, and we are still awaiting more K-1 and Muay Thai clubs to get involved. Pls contact us on facebook: collision fight academy or email: if you would like to send some fighters.
Thank you all for the support!
Danny Sergiu & Kieran Hardy both fighting in preparation for the big fights in October
Get tickets from the fighters...Don't miss it and most importantly Don't blink!!
Kieran Hardy (Collision) vs. Aron Sutton (Higlander gym) - Boxing bout
Corey Paterson (Collision) vs. Harley (Bearjew) K1 bout
Danny Sergiu (Collision) vs. TBC (K1 English Title)
Corey Paterson (Collision) vs. Aidan Messanger (Bristol Thai)
Kieran Hardy (Collision) vs. Jon Pregam (Rama Camp)
Contact fighters for tickets!
Danny Sergiu fighting for a K1 BRITISH TITLE
Kieran Hardy vs. Ryan Walsh (NMA) K1 fight
Corey Paterson making his K1 debut. vs. Bailey Sugden (NMA)
Collision's instructor (Danny Sergiu) will be facing Pakistani born fighter Faheem Khan in a inter-continental title bout.
These 2 fighters have met in the ring before, and Sergiu came on top after knocking out Khan in the first round. UNDISPUTED will be a sellout and it's promised to be a very explosive fight.
Massive thank you to our sponsors so far: Body Development, Bath; Dynamik Bodyz gym, Westbury; Checkmate Flexible Engineering, Melksham.
For tickets call: 07523 588 200
*Next GRADINGS will be held on the 15th of september...Place and other details will follow!
Collision & family day out at the beach will be either on the 25th,26th or bank holiday monday 27th august. we can't decide just yet cause we not sure on the weather :( pls suggest nice beaches in reasonable distance. i am thinking Boscombe or Sandbanks so far??
We will be departing wilts/somerset early in the morning, spend all day at the beach and get back evening time in the same day.
Hopefully we will include at least one or two training sessions on the beach, and also play games (volleyball, football, etc).
Anyone interested, pls get in touch!
Wiltshire's sports personality of the year 2012
Hi everyone. Please take 5 minutes to follow this link and nominate me for Wiltshire's sports personality of the year:
Closing date is July 29th. Hurry!!!
Gradings - Jun 2012
Another 9 of our students get closer and closer to the black belt. Well done on passing today: Tom L. (green), Ian (yellow). Tina (yellow), Greg (orange), Claudiu (orange), Perri (orange), Martin S. (orange), Rob (yellow), Paolo (white)!!!
COLLISION'S youngest fighter, KIERAN HARDY will be facing jamie woodland black belt academy's ANTHONY SUTTON in a Extreme kickboxing fight in the 60kg division.
Please contact Kieran for tickets!!!

DANNY SERGIU will face Exeter's FAHEEM KHAN in the biggest fight of his career so far: a K1 super welterweight EUROPEAN title fight. The fight will take place at club Roccoco in Exeter on May 27th. Please come long to witness history in the making. Contact fighters for tickets!

BRITISH title fight: DANNY SERGIU vs. SCOTT RICHARDS (Rama Camp) is confirmed under A CLASS muay thai rules on the "dojo warfare" event taking place in Bristol on the 24th of March 2012.
We need all the support possible, so get your tickets...£20(standing) and £25(seated)
Call Danny for tickets: 07523 588 200
Still looking to get matched after Danny's opponent (Patrick Blight - IRELAND) pulled out for unknown reasons,
Danny Sergiu vs. TBC - 70kg max (TFC rules)
Tickets are on sale. and VIP tables available. Call: 07523 588 200
Show your support as this is Danny's come-back fight!!!
Gradings - Mar 2012
Massive well done to the following students that passed today: Kieran(brown), Tina(red), Ian(red), Perri(yellow), Tom R.(yellow), Steve(purple), Rob(red), Tom L.(orange), Greg(red), Claudiu(yellow).
Our club will be represented by MARTIN SIMONOVIC in a muay thai C class fight in the middleweight division.
Location: Rococo nightclub, Mary Arches street, Exeter
Date: 20th November 2011
Get tickets (£25) from Danny Sergiu: 07523 588 200
Gradings - Nov 2011
Well done for your hard work and commitment guys. 12 out of 13 students passed their kickboxing grading held at Collision Fight Academy's Bath branch.
Collision Fight Academy are invited to participate in muay thai / kickboxing event named above.

Date: 1st of October 2011
FIGHT CARD: (collision fighters on the left)
MARTIN MASARIK (Collision) vs DAMIEN FRICKER (Rama Camp) - muay thai C class, 70kg max
KIERAN HARDY (Collision) vs LIAM ROBERTS (Eagles Cardiff) - muay thai C class, 62kg max
DANNY SERGIU (Collision) vs BRENT CHAMBERS (Combat GYM) - muay thai B class Southern Area Title, 70kg max
Please come and support our club! Tickets available from fighters or 07523 588 200
Collision FA is proud to announce that they will be organising their first muay thai interclub, and most likely the first one in the Trowbridge area.
Location: Trowbridge
Date: 18th September
So...TRAIN HARD if you want to take part!
5 fighters from our club traveled today, 28th of August to Avonmouth, Bristol to take part in a thai boxing interclub put together by "Highlander Black Belt Academy". All of us preformed well but there are loads of things to work on till the next fights. Well done Steve Flower, Martin Masarik, Jack Dowland, Kieran Hardy and Paul Davies. Keep training hard...!!!
Next gradings will be held in Fitness First, Bath, on the 6th of August (Saturday), Time,10 -12.
Remember everyone that grades must have a valid membership license and pay grading fee at least 1 week in advance.

Great night for Collision Fight Academy's Kieran Hardy who had his debut in full contact kickboxing. After a battle of kicks and punches he managed to pull out a draw decission against a fighter 9kg heavier.
Instructor Danny Sergiu stepped in the last minute to fight an opponent 7 stone heavier in what was a good technical exibition fight.
Well done COLLISION!!!
Click on the following link to get details about this charity event:!/event.php?eid=130911830320465
Please get involved and show some support for us and especially for the SLC children...!
Re: Charity event: Thanks everyone for participating, and also big thanks to the sponsors and spectators. Unfortunately, the event wasn't as popular as we predicted, but we still managed to raise £121.80 which went to the SLC Infants School in Westbury!!!
CFA and WRSA would like to congratulate Kieran, Olly, Jason for obtaining their ORANGE belt, Stu.V, Andy, Stu.H. for obtaining their RED belt, and Martin, Steve, Ciaran, Toni, Kian for achieving WHITE belt level.
Keep training and get ready for the next gradings (end of July)!!!
Bristol Muay Thai and Mayns Promotions presents a night of pure mayhem featuring some of the country's best fighters in over 15 bouts including Bristish, Welsh and Area Titles.
Danny Sergiu fighting from COLLISION FIGHT ACADEMY against the Anglo-Welsh middleweight Champion. show your support!!!
LOCATION: Broad Plain Sports club, Clement street, Riverside Leisure Centre, Bristol, BS2 9ES
Doors open at 5 pm, First fight at 6 pm.
For tickets contact Danny (£20), or on the door (£25)
07523 588 200
07523 588 200
Collision Fighters matched up: Kieran Hardy (56 kg), Paul Davies (93 kg), Jason Windsor (76 kg), Olly Brooks (67 kg), Stu Vost (64 kg).
A big WELL DONE to Kieran, Jason, Olly, Andy, Stewart, Bruno, Ian, and Stu for obtaining their WHITE and RED belts today!!!
There will be no classes held on Friday the 24th and Friday 31st of December.
Christmas meal for all the club members will be held at the Champions chinese restaurant in Westbury, Wednesday 22nd of December at 18:45.
See you there!!!
In February 2011 (date + details to be confirmed)